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18 May 2019

在 React 组件中使用 bind 方法

by aaronchenwei

React.js 的作者总是强调 react.js 的本质还是 Javascript,所以在理解 React.js 中 bind 的使用之前,我们先来看看 Javascript 里面这个问题。


从其他的编程语言比如 Java 或是 Ruby 切到 Javascript 编程,对于 this 的理解可能会产生一切混淆。在 Java 中,非静态方法中的 this 总是指向定义这个方法所在类的对象。Ruby 中的 self 也是类似的概念。所以,从这样的语言到了 Javascript 的时候,可能会有点不太适应。

Javascript 在这个 this 指向问题就有点不一样。

In JavaScript function context is defined while calling the function, not while defining it!

怎么来理解这句话呢?我们可以按以下 4 种使用模式来详细说明 Javascript 中的 this。

Function Invocation Pattern

If there are no dots in your function call, your context is likely to be window.


var func = function () {
    // ...


调用方法(func())的时候,会把 context(this) 设置成指向这段代码运行环境的全局变量。如果是在浏览器中运行这段代码,console.log(this); 会打印出 window 这个全局变量的值。你自己可以试一下在 node.js 运行这段代码,看看最后的 console 里面显示了什么。


var whoami = {
    func: function () {
        // ...

var fun = whoami.func;

object.func 函数是对象whoami的一个方法。如果运行了这面的代码,this 还是指向运行这段代码环境的全局变量。这里和 Java 不一样,要特别注意一下。

Method Invocation Pattern

If there are dots in your function call, your function context will be the right-most element of your dots chain.


var dog = {
    BARK_SOUND: "woof woof!!",
    run: function () {
        return this.BARK_SOUND;

console.log(dog.run()); // print woof woof!!
var runningFun = dog.run;
console.log(runningFun()); // print undefined

通过对象的方法调用,this 是指向这个对象,这个和 Java 类似。

如果对象有嵌套(nested),this 指向最临近的那个对象。

var foo = {
    bar: {
        func: function () {

foo.bar.func(); // this will point to `bar`

打印出来的语句{ func: [Function: func] },也就是 bar 对象。

Constructor Invocation Pattern

Every time you see a new followed by a function name, your this will point to a newly created empty object.

function Dog() {
    this.bark = function () {
        return "woof!";

// console.log(Dog()); // print undefined

var husky = new Dog(); // this is set to an empty object {}. Returns `this` implicitly.
console.log(husky.bark()); // print "woof!";

这个就是 Javascript 中的 new 操作符。

Apply Invocation Pattern

  • call - it takes a context as the first argument. The rest of arguments are arguments passed to the function being called this way.
  • apply - it takes a context as the first argument and an array of arguments for the function being called as the second argument.
function addAndSetX(a, b) {
    this.x += a + b;

var obj1 = { x: 1, y: 2 };

addAndSetX.call(obj1, 1, 1); // this = obj1, obj1 after call = { x: 3, y : 2 }
// It is the same as:
// addAndSetX.apply(obj1, [1, 1]);

Binding functions

function add(x, y) {
    this.result += x + y;

var computation1 = { result: 0 };
var boundedAdd = add.bind(computation1);

boundedAdd(1, 2); // `this` is set to `computation1`.
//  computation1 after call: { result: 3 }

var boundedAddPlusTwo = add.bind(computation1, 2);
boundedAddPlusTwo(4); // `this` is set to `computation1`.
// computation1 after call: { result: 9 }
var obj = { boundedPlusTwo: boundedAddPlusTwo };
obj.boundedPlusTwo(4); // `this` is set to `computation1`.
// even though method is called on `obj`.
// computation1 after call: { result: 15 }
var computation2 = { result: 0 };
boundedAdd.call(computation2, 1, 2); // `this` is set to `computation1`.
// even though context passed to call is
// `computation2`
// computation1 after call: { result: 18 }


ECMAScript 2015 classes

class InputExample extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = { text: "" };
        this.change = this.change.bind(this);

    change(ev) {
        this.setState({ text: ev.target.value });

    render() {
        let { text } = this.state;
        return <input type="text" value={text} onChange={this.change} />;

ECMAScript 2015 classes with class properties

class InputExample extends React.Component {
    state = { text: "" };
    change = (ev) => this.setState({ text: ev.target.value });

    render() {
        let { text } = this.state;
        return <input type="text" value={text} onChange={this.change} />;