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18 May 2019

Redux-Thunk 中间件(Middleware)与异步处理

by aaronchenwei

作为 Redux 作者自己开发的中间件(Middleware),Redux-Thunk 相对于其他的 Middleware,简单并且容易上手(主要是与 Redux 系列的概念的融合)

1. Redux-Thunk 的源代码

Redux-Thunk 的源代码是相当简练的。

function createThunkMiddleware(extraArgument) {
    return ({ dispatch, getState }) =>
        (next) =>
        (action) => {
            if (typeof action === "function") {
                return action(dispatch, getState, extraArgument);

            return next(action);

const thunk = createThunkMiddleware();
thunk.withExtraArgument = createThunkMiddleware;

export default thunk;

熟悉 Redux 的知道,如果 action creator 函数返回的是一个 funciton,那么我们就把这样的 function 叫做 thunk。

A thunk is a function that wraps an expression to delay its evaluation.

// calculation of 1 + 2 is immediate
// x === 3
let x = 1 + 2;

// calculation of 1 + 2 is delayed
// foo can be called later to perform the calculation
// foo is a thunk!
let foo = () => 1 + 2;

在 Javscript 中,使用 Higher-order function 可以生成 thunk。可以点击此处回顾Higher-order function

2. Redux-Thunk 与异步处理

thunk 可以 delay its evaluation 的特点,可以很好的用来实现异步处理。下面的简单代码就有三种异步处理的方式。可以选择自己习惯的写法进行处理。react.js 的环境用了create-react-app。所以,已经有了 async/await 的 Polyfill。考虑到 chrome 已经原生支持 async/await 了,这种写法可以放心使用。

import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from "redux";
import thunk from "redux-thunk";
import co from "co";

const reducer = (state = {}, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case "pet":
        case "fruite":
        case "json":
        case "error":
            return {
                [action.name]: action.value,
            return state;

const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));

 * action creator
 * Thunk - asynchronization is based on fetch/Promise
function asyncThunkWithPromise() {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        dispatch({ type: "pet", name: "dog", value: "cute" });

            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((json) =>
                dispatch({ type: "json", name: "posts", value: json })
            .catch((e) =>
                dispatch({ type: "error", name: "error", value: e.message })

        dispatch({ type: "fruite", name: "apple", value: "sweet" });
        console.log("state: ", getState());

 * action creator
 * Thunk - asynchronization based on async/await
function asyncThunkWithAwait() {
    return async (dispatch, getState) => {
        dispatch({ type: "pet", name: "dog", value: "cute" });

        try {
            const response = await fetch(
            const json = await response.json();
            dispatch({ type: "json", name: "posts", value: json });
        } catch (e) {
            dispatch({ type: "error", name: "error", value: e.message });

        dispatch({ type: "fruite", name: "apple", value: "sweet" });
        console.log("state: ", getState());

 * action creator
 * Thunk - asynchronization based on yield/generator function
 * It is based on co.js and just for demo purpose
 * NOT recommend for real use, better use
 * middleware [Redux-Saga](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga)
function asyncThunkWithYield() {
    return async (dispatch, getState) => {
        co(function* () {
            dispatch({ type: "pet", name: "dog", value: "cute" });

            try {
                const response = yield fetch(
                const json = yield response.json();
                dispatch({ type: "json", name: "posts", value: json });
            } catch (e) {
                dispatch({ type: "error", name: "error", value: e.message });

            dispatch({ type: "fruite", name: "apple", value: "sweet" });
            console.log("state: ", getState());